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Showing posts from April, 2021
 Excitement is building as we get closer and closer to our I Am God Designed ladies' conference at the end of this month! I cannot wait until we are all together, in-person after this last year of not being able to get together.       God has taught us a lot over the two years since our last conference.  I have learned that we need each other, more than I ever realized before. As we have all been affected by the changes going on in our nation, from Covid-19 to a new president, we now see more than ever before, a need to gather together.  I don't know about anyone else, but for me I have grown to appreciate being with others.    We all know someone who is dealing with something hard during this time...maybe that is a loss of a loved one, a diagnosis or other health issue for yourself or someone close to you, a loss of income, or maybe your are just struggling because you feel like the responsibilities you have are piling up and you cannot ge...