Excitement is building as we get closer and closer to our I Am God Designed ladies' conference at the end of this month! I cannot wait until we are all together, in-person after this last year of not being able to get together.
God has taught us a lot over the two years since our last conference. I have learned that we need each other, more than I ever realized before. As we have all been affected by the changes going on in our nation, from Covid-19 to a new president, we now see more than ever before, a need to gather together. I don't know about anyone else, but for me I have grown to appreciate being with others.
We all know someone who is dealing with something hard during this time...maybe that is a loss of a loved one, a diagnosis or other health issue for yourself or someone close to you, a loss of income, or maybe your are just struggling because you feel like the responsibilities you have are piling up and you cannot get out from under them. The amount of things that we all face are vast in number and difference. What is amazing is that the King of kings, knows my specific situation and my heart towards it all. He loves you and cares about the things that you are facing and struggling to get through. He wants to help you through all. the. things. from negative thoughts to the death of a friend, the loss of a job to the parent or grandparent in a nursing home that I want so badly to go visit.
So, now God has put an opportunity before you! We have gathered together 11 wonderful speakers to lead our breakout sessions and main sessions that have been working on putting into words what God has given them to share with you. They and our team has been praying for you! As the days draw near, you will have things come at you that will try to keep you from coming. Every excuse will try to tear you away from hearing God's word at this conference! That is what Satan does...he tries to discourage us and separate us from our brothers & sisters in Christ when we need them most! He tries to convince us that we don't need God!
I am here to tell you that you will be blessed by this conference and ALL that these ladies have put together for YOU!
So, invite your friends, sisters, and fristers and join us April 30 - May 1 at Memorial Baptist Church for the 2021 I Am God Designed: Woman 2 Woman - Titus 2.
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